Trailer Park Boys is a Canadian television series that follows the comedic misadventures of a group of residents living in a fictional trailer park in Nova Scotia. The show has gained a cult following for its unique brand of humor and its portrayal of working-class life in Canada.
Fries n ketchup chips, on the other hand, are a type of potato chip that is flavored to taste like french fries dipped in ketchup. They are a popular snack food in Canada and can be found in many grocery stores and convenience stores.
In the Trailer Park Boys series, fries n ketchup chips are a favorite snack of the characters Ricky and Julian. The snack has become somewhat of a cultural icon among fans of the show and has even inspired merchandise such as t-shirts and hats.
Loved it so much I got new prime bottles for my collection I wish I could of gotten the kfc or the piña colada one maybe next time but very good product. I really recommend it.